
I saved this spider. It was wet and looked dead and any "normal" person would have written it off as such but I KNEW that bugs can appear dead when waterlogged but they're just in shock, I put the spider on a paper towel and left it to dry off, when I returned it had gone from limp and contorted to dry, and in a normal spider posture. I am more empathetic than most normies will eber be. I helped a lowly EPODER!!!!!! ADMIT I WOULD B A GOOD BOYFRIEND TO YOU NOW AND ADMIT I'M A NICE GUY YOU CAN CUDDLE WITH!!!!!!

@Jazzy_Butts You're a good person thank you for savin' the lil spooder <3
@ThrowawayAI @Jazzy_Butts

Schizo ≠ having alters necceaeily. I meant talking to yourself
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