Did you know?

Percentages are reversible. 8% of 25 is the same as 25% of 8, and often one of them is much easier to do in your head.

@fribbledom 2nd grade knowledge. Why would you even post something so basic?

@LukeAlmighty @fribbledom does it really make you feel bigger to shame people who don't know a math thing? sounds like you missed a much more important lesson than this in second grade

@relsqui @fribbledom
Wow... I have seen many things before. I understand there are people who get a very poor education (and one toot about multiplication won't solve that), but to see how many people in here are proud of having a miserable education is truly staggering.

But be proud of whatever you want. As long as it doesn't affect your life, I don't care either.

@LukeAlmighty @fribbledom my education was fine. I'm proud of my ability to be kind when someone else doesn't know something I know.


@relsqui @fribbledom Strange. What you postad was prejudiced at best. That is the exact oposite of kindness.

But if you just want to get angry since I stated there is a problem, you will only lead a miserable life. And that helps noone. Does it?

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