
@thatbrickster @animeirl
Well, we have wearing masks ordered by the government. But we are a dumb nation aswell, so no surprise there.

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@LukeAlmighty @thatbrickster from what I've seen the CDC is still telling people not to wear masks "unless they're sick" lol

@animeirl @thatbrickster Nah, fuck that. At least I can feel 10% safer when everyone around me covers their mouth...

BTW: My mask is pink :AsukaSmug:

@LukeAlmighty @thatbrickster yeah they're lying. you should obviously wear a mask if you can find one

@animeirl @thatbrickster

And if you cannot, you can use the most badass alternative there is.

And btw, this comes from the smartest place in the nation. Even I am too dumb for that place...

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