Motion blur
Depth of field

Do game developers even want me to see their game, or do they love the iconic look of nosignal TV channel?

@LukeAlmighty Eh. Those effects can be nice sometimes. Because several members of Digital Foundry rave about motion blur, I even found a bit of an appreciation towards it, although I still disable it on PC or whenever I have 60fps and are allowed to disable it.

@okabe_rintarou Motion blur, grain and depth of field can look amazing in movies. Especially motion blur on slow framrate, because if the framerate is 100 percent stable, it adds more information for your brain.

On the other hand, for games... HELL NO!!!

@LukeAlmighty I don't know, I kinda like those, although I'm thinking more of cutscenes utilizing them. It's been so long since I played any graphically intense title, that I don't even remember depth of field ingame.

Oh... dept of field is the best. Just try playing GTA V :D

There is nothing better then trying to hit a blury blob while looking at a perfectly sharp box you're hiding behind.

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