
I just saw "The Platform" 

I know it is hard to put your thoughts into a coherent movie, but this shit is exactly the artsy pseudo-thinking that shows just how simplified people's thinking can be, when it comes to any, even slightly complex topic.

The premise is simple. There is "enough food for everyone" but people on top eat much more then they need and people underneeth are starwing for 30 days, after which their position is randomized, so the cycle can continue.

While this movie did manage to show some of the raw emotion you would expect from the premise, it did not manage to show any empathy, good faith or any kind of humanity... I get it, that's the point. But from there, it went just down.

Instead of showing any alternatives or a proper way of living in such a world, it showed what I can only call an anthithesis of morality. Instead of figuring out a proper way of redistributing the food, the movie showed two people going from the top down and killing hundreds in order to "heroically" send a message.... ok.

And then the movie changed it's mind. I could spend weeks debating how horrible the last minute twist was, but instead I will explain it completely. This movie had such a philosophical mess of a message, that at the end, the director just said "Fuck it, we'll just make an artsy ending instead".

I do not recommend, unless you have a bottle of alcohol by your hand and are ready for an entertaining dumbsterfire.

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re: I just saw "The Platform" 

@LukeAlmighty Its another "Arthouse" styled movie?
>This movie had such a philosophical mess of a message, that at the end, the director just said "Fuck it, we'll just make an artsy ending instead".
Wew, looks like they didn't planned it thoroughly then.
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