
This is why I hate normies...

I can spend 9 years in a 95 percent christian collective, listening to every single one of them, and I get NOTHING!!! Not a single good argument. NOT ONE, WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR THEM!!!

I can be listening to an intellectual like JODRAN MATHERFUCKING PETERSON for HOURS, and all I hear are the same BS APOLOGETICS I hear from every other sheep.

And a random rapper can sum up an amazing psychological benefit of christianity just like that... Like, he was describing a burger he just ate.

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@LukeAlmighty I like to partly blame my earlier support of gay marriage with mainstream Christian doing an absolutely shit job of making sensible secular arguments against it.

I'm also kinda amazed by how impressed TradCaths are with their Natural Law talking points, which have like a 0% success rate when it comes to convincing people who weren't already fully on board with Catholic theology.

Yeah, I completelly agree. Most christians try to convert you with 3 arguments, meaning that after 1 discussion, you will never hear anything new from them again...

It gets seriously beyond painful to listen for 100th time that GOD build earth like we build a house...

@LukeAlmighty This thing ain't primarily intellectual anyhow, so intellectuals ain't quite gonna get it. Argumentation is all well and good, but argumentation can't dive deep into the human heart.
Maybe not directly, but he got that idea from Ann Coulter. Everything he says is bullshit he heard from his groupies, who include billionaires who want to virtue signal anti-racism by hanging out with a stupid nigger. #WhiteSamsonOption @LukeAlmighty
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