
Wow... What a chad...

Ted Cruz grills Jack Dorsey for 8 minutes. I was honestly laughing while watching this shit...

This is the PERFECT argumentation I wish I was able to make.

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Yeah, obviously.
But the truly scary thing is, that during the almost 3 hours, I have seen so far, there were only about 2 people with even a toothpick spine needed to shove it in their faces.

@LukeAlmighty Yeah, so many Republicans are either controlled opposition, corporate shills and/or technologically illiterate.
@LukeAlmighty God damn, I have plenty of issues with Cruz, but here he was almost perfect, going right for the throat of that evil Traitor Jack Dorsey.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty

He was always pretty sharp. His issues are his business as usual and that he may just be a bunch of sound and fury. His best attribute is that he gets over shit and doesn't mea culpa.

@ChristiJunior BTW, I know I should take this seriously, but how the fuck do the keep talking about russia mere days before ANOTHER election??? It has been 4 yeasr, and they still believe thet shit?

@LukeAlmighty Dunno if they believe it, but it's a very useful smear, that is used to justify them ignoring even real and important revelations about Democrat corruption and treason.

BTW, do not even try to listen to the whole thing, or you'll go mad. 

:alexjonesmad: Censorship is bad, can you promisse, you won't cesnor?

:npc: Yes, we promisse we won't censor.

:childhood_stolen: Censorship is good, can you promise you will censor?

:npc: Yes, we promisse we will censor.

:MonkaChrist: Censorship is bad, can you promisse, you won't cesnor?

:npc: Yes, we promisse we won't censor.

:coomer: Censorship is good, can you promise you will censor?

:npc: Yes, we promisse we will censor.

@LukeAlmighty Yeah, that's why I hadn't even watched Cruz' beatdown until you linked it, I couldn't stomach the thought of going through so much stupidity, bullshit and anti-free speech evil.

@LukeAlmighty "they just have to delete the post and then they can post it again"

Absolutely bull-fucking-shit. There's an appeals process, there were multiple press releases about it, so there's a function that overrides the account lock and makes the Tweet visible again. He knows this. He should have been grilled even harder on this.

That in particular is some dystopian shit. "We don't delete any content on Twitter, we just make it not visible, and force the account owner to take it back before allowing them to use Twitter again", specifically so they cannot be accused of censorship.

On the flip side, Cruz is forgetting that Twitter is a private business and has its own 1st Amendment rights to host any (legal) speech it wants, and against being forced to host speech it doesn't want to.

If the problem is that a single private business has the entire populace by the balls, the correct solution is to either break them up or regulate them as a utility.

"Who elected you to be arbiter of what the media can say?"... Well.... the people did, by giving Twitter a monopoly. Break up the monopoly.

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