
Oh shit...

And I thought guys do take the modern dating shit badly...

I wanted to look up transition regret story, but this shit begun just because she was never told how to date properly...

>just because she was never told how to date properly...
Wew lad this is some extremes to take measure, but it is a actual female no? Regardless society is pretty much fucked up if people can think they can just "easily" transition from one sex to another. Are their schools so bad now that they don't even teach basic biology of humans?

Although, schoold are horrible, and parcially responsible for this shit, the overall problem is the complete collapse of the societal norms. Not only gender roles, but most people have no idea how to use money, how to plan their career, how to form relationship, how to handle conflict...

Every level of our lives have been hit by this. I believe it will be fixed in the same way as evolution works, by simply letting all of bad ideas die off, but that might not even be the case, since lunatics are now forcing everyone to turn into lab rats...

In my opinion, the main cause is the death of honesty. Modern people live in decentralized communities, but if an honest debate was allowed, not even most radicals would support the shit that got pushed through.

Some people don't realize pushing testosterone down your veins and causing infertility does have long term effects. Most people don't realize that hawing weak cops susceptible to panic is a bad thing. And most people do not know that there are hysterical accounts of properly developed vaccines showing side effects 10 years later.

But when they don't hear it even once, they don't have a reason to think about it. I for instance got fat thinking it will help me gain muscule. I didn't realize just what kind of long term problem will be getting rid of the fat later. And although I have more muscules and energy now, Getting rid of fat is one hell of a long term problem.

@LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde dont eat for like a week. and then u will shit ur entire guts out. then b healthy after that
@smooky > dont eat for like a week. and then u will shit ur entire guts out. then b healthy after that
Whatever this guy says, disregard unless you want to get sick and die. @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde
@smooky "Cleanse" is a marketroid bullshit term. Whenever a "health" product or practice says that, you're being sold snake oil. For the sake of your health, leave that shit on the shelf. @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde
@cowanon @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde i wasnt sold anyghvin retard./ why do u think religoius ppl fast. its not just some stupid thing to please the gos. well kind of but its the spirits u dummy. u have to b pure if u ever want to be chosen
@smooky :0120: Any o' y'all niggas finna listen to "I da chosenite" who can't spell worth a damn? Ya deserve the shit you get!! :0160: @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde
@cowanon @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde the problem is u have no idea wat it reallly is cus of jewish magic they worked on ur mind
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@cowanon @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde paranormal u are areledy hve powerful spells cast on ur mind u dummy LOLOL wat even is magic to u retard
@smooky Word salad and excuses. :0060:

> Hex Factor: Inside the Group Offering $250,000 for Proof of Superpowers
> To defend science, the Paranormal Challenge devises experiments to test claims of X-ray vision, telekinesis, and other paranormal abilities

@LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde
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@cowanon @smooky @LukeAlmighty @Rosamonde A general rule of thumb is, you should avoid any food "product" that advertises itself as "healthy".
>In my opinion, the main cause is the death of honesty. Modern people live in decentralized communities, but if an honest debate was allowed, not even most radicals would support the shit that got pushed through.
Yeah I keep hearing stories from other sites and even this one where people often get blocked for trying to have debate about topics that are barely controversial or none at all, so the other people would just stick their fingers in their ears and go "la la la I cannot hear you" and pushing the block button because not doing so would threaten their safe space.

>Some people don't realize pushing testosterone down your veins and causing infertility does have long term effects. Most people don't realize that hawing weak cops susceptible to panic is a bad thing. And most people do not know that there are hysterical accounts of properly developed vaccines showing side effects 10 years later.
It's harder then ever bringing people the right information now when things like the mainstream media still to this very day haven't learned their lessons and are making the most sloppiest and emotionally loaded journal pieces on a daily base. As the saying goes you can bring a horse to a water but it might not drink it (or however the correct spelling is, I forget). So as a result people would rather trust the usual authorities and the media for the current stories then even having any slightest of disbelief that maybe not even the authorities are that infallible as they previously thought of.

>But when they don't hear it even once, they don't have a reason to think about it. I for instance got fat thinking it will help me gain muscule. I didn't realize just what kind of long term problem will be getting rid of the fat later.
Well it is normal to make mistake and to learn from it, some people just need more time to learn from their mistakes.
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