Global warming is a funny issue, because people debating it have no idea just how aristocratic they sound when debating it.

Homeless guy frear for the next day, because if he doesn't get food in day, he might DIE!!!

Working class people are afraid for next month, because if they loose a job and won't find it in month, they will get to serious problems.

Rich people might have 2 years of problem money saved up, but the same issue from there on.

But only a total asshole can say, FUCK YOUR FOOD, FUCK YOUR JOB, WE NEED TO DESTROY IT ALL so we can avoid a potential problem that will happen maybe in 300 years...

And these people seem to truly not realize how arogant that sounds...

@LukeAlmighty All these Green New Deals and Great Resets are tries to bring back feudalism.


I know, but you cannot argue with believers based on intentions of their pupetmasters...

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