But that's exactly what someone would say once they've completed their mind reading technology....

@r000t This AI can read you intent to write things.
Imagine yourself writing something, and it will recognize the letters.

The technology already exists.

Yeah but right now they got it with willing participants in a highly controlled setting, they probably have to build per-person profiles of them writing a bunch of shit... Let's see how it fares on someone it's never seen before, who's physically struggling, and is thinking of anime tits or whatever in order to not give up crypto passwords

@r000t The technology is in its infancy... for now.
So was face recognition.
Now you have it in every iPhone.

Depp fakes used to be difficult, now people make a picture of Epstein sing how he likes little girls.

Give it 10~20 years, and you'll have a brain interface in the latest VR headset.

@SystemSock @r000t
I am still waiting for the news to drop that crime evidence was deep-faked and an innocent man ended up behind bars...

There's already people serving life sentences on evidence fabricated with AI. I guarantee it.

We'll hear about him in 40 years when he gets out and the government gives him $20 for his trouble.

@r000t @LukeAlmighty That's not really needed.

It costs less to #MeToo you, than it does to hire a competent special effects artist.

It also runs the risk of getting any of that shit lead back to the conspirators.

Much simpler to send innocent people to prison with the good old "think of the women/children" excuse.

@SystemSock @r000t
sad, but you are totally right. with the right media spread, that shit can burry even huge politicians...

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