Hey YOU!!! Yes, you random webside.
You do not deserve that kind of password requirements.

If you are a forum, online game, mod manager ffs, microsoft etc... YOU DO NOT DESERVE MY GOOD PASSWORD. You get the common no capitalization, no numbers, no special characters and in dictionary password exactly as you deserve.

And guess what... What happens if they hack my nexus account? Are the hackers going to download mods from my mod list? Are they going to read MY public posts?

I fucking don't care... :blobhammer:
Get on your own fucking level. If your site is worthless, use an adequate password requirements for fucks sake.

This rant was brought by github, where I created account to upload 1 file and learn workflow for my job.

I think the whole point is to annoy you into using a password safe. 🔐


Again... it has the exact opposite effect on the population, so that's why I care.

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