Hey YOU!!! Yes, you random webside.
You do not deserve that kind of password requirements.

If you are a forum, online game, mod manager ffs, microsoft etc... YOU DO NOT DESERVE MY GOOD PASSWORD. You get the common no capitalization, no numbers, no special characters and in dictionary password exactly as you deserve.

And guess what... What happens if they hack my nexus account? Are the hackers going to download mods from my mod list? Are they going to read MY public posts?

I fucking don't care... :blobhammer:
Get on your own fucking level. If your site is worthless, use an adequate password requirements for fucks sake.

This rant was brought by github, where I created account to upload 1 file and learn workflow for my job.

@LukeAlmighty What's the big deal?

Sorry but good passwords should be common practice and everyone should use them everywhere.

Use a password that is either offline and sync it somehow or use nextcloud or something equally self hosted and don't worry about it.

It should not be a full time job to work arourn your inability to accept simple passwords for services with 0 loss in case they are hacked.

Why should I not be able to just download skyrim mods without downloading a 3rd party software and finding my phone before I can login into your shitty service?

@LukeAlmighty I'm not gonna change your mind and you're not going to change mine. Strong password practices are a good thing. Requirement or not all my passwords are long and complex.

I'm the opposite and grumble when a site refuses my long password.

BTW, why do you think it's reasonable to have this kind of demands on normies?

@LukeAlmighty because security is important and people should care and be used to it. Heck it should be taught in school. Much more important that trigonometry

Man, I love IT security, but the way it is thought/ implemented is awful...

And I don't agree about trigonometry either :alexjonessmile2:
Ok. Thanks for sharing.

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