
Some poeple are too dumb to understand even the most basic of communication rules.

Them: When do you plan to move in?
Me: I HAVE to do it within 2 months.
Them: Ok. So, you have a ton of time since you want to move in in 2 months...


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@LukeAlmighty People are just dumb. Here I thought if we did things electronically, it would save a lot of time. No. Resulting in a flood of e-mails saying "I can't log in". Or that they can't change their password because they don't know where (it's in bold on the main page, of course).

And to those emails, when they write them, they don't forget to add some other questions. So thirty emails, thirty specific cases. And people feel that "it's just an email", that it doesn't cost anything. But it does cost, an awful lot of time and nerves.

People are just dumb. Working with them is the hardest job.

Although I am looking for an apartment, I seriously think, that as soon as that women calls me back, I'll just respond with "I've lost interest", because I can see already, that she's not reay for rational negotiation.

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