My boss is asking me to give her some "personal growth goals".

And even after 10 colleges had explained the concept to me 10 times each, I still don't get it. I am afraid my autism will get me fired soon...

@LukeAlmighty It's all fancy shamncy corporate manager bullshit, probably read it in a cancerous management website

Are the goals work related or something? These are kind of made to be a bitch to make up. Just lie through your teeth to get out of this shit as much as possible, or at least, maybe they are to us. To workaholics manager types they're like candies

Make up bullshit, something like "Be more organized", offer an example of sometime you weren't organized best and say you're trying to fix it
@coolboymew @LukeAlmighty The managers gotta justify their existence somehow, because if they're not micromanaging all the time, people will realise they're not needed at all.

@moth_ball @coolboymew
Yeah... I heard the legends of HR lady who asks what's your favorite color and why...

Good thing I don't have shit that bad yet...

@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew Makes me feel blessed to be in the healthcare field where everyone is too busy with actual work to bother with stupid shit like that.

Remember, you don't owe them your honesty or loyalty, so just say whatever to appear as a good employee.

@moth_ball @coolboymew
Thank you.

I realized that after the 10th time they mentioned diversity. (Don't worry, it still is a good job with unbelievable pay and name good enough to open doors even If I were to quit in a few years)


@moth_ball @coolboymew
Just immagine, there is a women, who spends all of her time doing nothing else then talking about diversity and the fact that she has an imposter syndrome from being a woman.

Why would she feel like she doesn't belong? Could it be the fact that talking to her is a suicide atempt?

Nah... It's because there aren't enough women. obviously...

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