When I was forming a political outlook 25 years ago, I refused to align with any political party. I liked the social freedom of the left, and the economic freedom of the right. Of course, both offered plenty to dislike, so I stayed independent.

Today's Democrat party eschews all forms of freedom, social or otherwise, in favor of an authoritarian fascism trending toward despotism. The Republican Party still doesn't impress me, but I am closer to choosing a side than I have ever been in my life.

@SirBemrose It's becoming more apparent now then ever that it's a one party system.

@33RDking Before 2016, I was all on board with the "There's no difference between Republicans and Democrats" argument. Both favored higher taxes, bigger government, and more war.

But when the populist arm took hold amongst the party around 2016, I think something fundamentally changed in Republican politics. Sure, there's still warhawks and RINOs, but they're being increasingly called out and marginalized.


@SirBemrose @33RDking
I am not saying that you HAVE TO choose from the 2 options offered, but every centrist forgets that not choosing is a choice. An active choice that does come with all of the natural consequences.

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