As far as I am concerned, non autostic people are deffective. It must be so tiresome to always focus on 200 people's emotional state and opinions about each other. Then to focus on deforming each sentence to sound the correct way, even if it sacrefices the original message.

How could they even get through primary school with such a cognitive load is a mystery, but somehow, I don't even want to know. :ablobwhee:

@LukeAlmighty people without autism have the ability to filter sensory and cognitive input

Is simple and as it turns out, necessary to absolutely not pay attention to any of that shit whatsoever unless it is pertinent to what you were doing at any given moment

@Jackuu @LukeAlmighty It's not even conscious. Just happens. Your brain doesn't even go through "Sally is sad so I won't say/do X". You just wing it

@LukeAlmighty @MechaSilvio how so? Most interactions aren’t planned and meticulously laid out with flow charts that follow a logical stage of progression

Everything is very fluid and ad hoc most of the time. While some people that you know will respond in predictable ways that you can anticipate you honestly don’t know what people are going to do most of the time but generally a commonly held culture and standards of conduct limit the possibilities of what you will have to deal with with other people’s behavior

It’s actually a lot less complicated than you think despite the variables involved most of them are completely irrelevant in practice

@Jackuu @MechaSilvio
> How so?
I am talking about the fact, that normies are used to lying to each other, and that if I were to point to the one thing, that I need more then any cure, it would be to cut the pointless lies from my childhood.

And you say, that people not only don't know that they lie, but that it's not even a real brain process. That is WORSE!!!

@LukeAlmighty @Jackuu No dude, It's not lying. What a stupid take. Being good at "reading the room" is one of the top human skills. And you not even once have to lie or twist your opinions. How can you not understand this? Most communication is non-verbal anyway
@MechaSilvio @LukeAlmighty @Jackuu As someone with pervasive developmental disorder it took me a while and plenty of trial by fire to polish out the retard from me. If I could I’d rather not be a toad venom pissing sperg tbh

@RoyalJohnny242 @Jackuu @MechaSilvio
Well, obviously. I am working on it too.
And that's my point actually. I might have been 5 years ahead of where I am now, if ANYONE actually bothered to explain to me as a kid just how fucking often do people lie. And worse, that they don't even think about it.

@LukeAlmighty @RoyalJohnny242 @MechaSilvio I’m not sure what your perception of people “lying to you” actually entails. Is it people acting differently in different situations? Or is it people selectively sharing information with different people?

I’m just trying to understand where you’re coming from here

@Jackuu @LukeAlmighty @RoyalJohnny242 People lie all the time but the issue here is sucking at social cues.

When you run into your neighbor and they ask "how are you?" you just say "good good" because it's not about the words, it's about being nice to the people living next to you.

I say "good good" even though I'm having an awful time bc I don't wanna talk about it with some acquaintance. It's not a lie, because there is no intention of being deceptive towards them. You're just not a selfish asshole that wants to suck their energy with your problems.

Like this example, lots of things happen in daily life. Words don't really matter that much

@MechaSilvio @Jackuu @RoyalJohnny242
> People lie all the time but the issue here is sucking at social cues.

Yes. And my point is, that explaining to an autistic people why people lie so much will "cure the shit put of them", simply because they won't be so confused from it.

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