As far as I am concerned, non autostic people are deffective. It must be so tiresome to always focus on 200 people's emotional state and opinions about each other. Then to focus on deforming each sentence to sound the correct way, even if it sacrefices the original message.
How could they even get through primary school with such a cognitive load is a mystery, but somehow, I don't even want to know.
@LukeAlmighty people without autism have the ability to filter sensory and cognitive input
Is simple and as it turns out, necessary to absolutely not pay attention to any of that shit whatsoever unless it is pertinent to what you were doing at any given moment
@Dicer @Jackuu @MechaSilvio
How fo you know what show it is?
@Dicer @Jackuu @MechaSilvio
The show was retarded. But I still like that one line.
And also niggers, browns and white women with niggers.