This was one of the most entertaining polls I red in a LONG time.

And a big surprise, I am a libertarian... (Don't mind the care and fairness factors please...)


Care: This foundation pertains to our mammalian need to care for our young and to form bonds of attachment to others. It underlies the virtues of kindness and nurturance and is tied to emotions such as protectiveness and compassion.

I seriously don't get this. Of course I want to care for kids. But there were no questions of care about kids nor about care of people, who were unlucky. The question is always something like: A drunk idiot spend all of his money on alcohol, and cut his own leg. Will I give him money on rent? Hell no. I worked hard on money, and I am willing to help ANYONE who seem to be trying to improve their own situation.

Single moms are not childern, they knew exactly what they were doing.

Am I an asshole?

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You might be an asshole with out the pole though? 👍😁
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