
I used to think that talks of Sandy Hook being fake were bullshit, but it seems, someone seriously doesn't want you to believe it enough to push a 4.1 million dollar fine for that opinion.

Can I trade my fucking first born son for 4.1 million dollars?

Seriously, a fine that huge for an opinion is peak globohomo.


I don't know why people think it was an op.

Crazy people do crazy things. Sometimes with guns.

Was it used for political ends? Of course, but that's what you have to attack, not the event itself.

I think so, because Alex got fined, and politicians are celebrating. That does not happen with normal disinformation.

@amerika @LukeAlmighty why is there such a significant number of crazy people shooting up people they have little to no connection with?

Why aren't their more medical malpractice shootings? Predatory business organisation shootings (think Bain capital)? How about political assassinations, even at a very local level where the $$$ for security details are not present.

Why is it almost exclusively people shooting others the don't know, and therefore wouldn't have a grudge against?

@mbruer @amerika
1) news love the (think of the childern) aspect
2) Have you ever been to a school? It is a torture institution.

@LukeAlmighty @amerika
1) I get the attraction of the Pravda. If it bleeds it leads.
2) Loathed almost all of my primary, middle and high school. To quote Mark Twain, "I never let my schooling interfere with my education". That doesn't answer any question, either - there are plenty of other places that people have significant angst towards, that don't get shot up anywhere near as much as schools do.

@mbruer @LukeAlmighty

Remember how postal employees kept killing each other in the 1980s?

@amerika @mbruer @LukeAlmighty Along Livernois. I think there was something in the river water reacting with envelope flap glue.

@amerika @LukeAlmighty sure, but a generation of kids doped up on Shari's should have made that problem worse, not better going on the number of school shootings.

@mbruer @LukeAlmighty

You would think, but SSRIs seem to backfire and leave people enraged and self-destructive.

@mbruer @LukeAlmighty

School shootings are a tradition at this point. It's hard to think of a place other than schools and sports events where you have a large trapped audience.

Then there's Steven Paddock of course.

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