
Well, that is a seriously bad news.
The theory for years was: The companies can make woke shit and slowly slow down, but when they start loosing big, they will notice and turn the fuck back.

Well, why aren't they turning back?

@LukeAlmighty well, they just changed the CEO of Disney back to Iger .. so they are looking at toning down the woke.
@sickburnbro @LukeAlmighty I don't see how it can be pulled off without pulling a "Musk" and firing everyone that has any association with the old regime. These movies are the works of hundreds (at least) of people, all of whom are completely onboard with the message and (as of yet) have paid absolutely no price for flushing hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain.
> when they start loosing big, they will notice and turn the fuck back

When there are trillions in esg funds available, losing a few hundred million to push cultural Marxism is just the cost of doing business.

"Environmental, Social and Governance (#ESG) assets may hit $53 trillion by 2025"
@threalist @LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro Yeah the only thing they're going to do is make it more subtle (like they've been doing for the last 70 years) to a level that people are "okay with" to shift the goal posts slowly.
@threalist @LukeAlmighty that's also from 2021. Ukraine and a looming recession/depression have some people worried as it is going to put them to their word.
@threalist @LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro high wealth attacks, yeah. its a failure mode of markets. just sit and burn money until you can normalize whatever.

it is costing them a profound amount of money to do this but they've been stealing billions for years so :blobcatdunno:
@icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty Guys, you're going to need to prepare for them to actually pull back hard on the woke. If we go into a depression, they will stop ( for the time being ) .. and you need to think about that.
@LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro @icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty conservatives will look on in awe as the left reins int he woke, thinking it a victory, not willing to push for their enemies to be punished and destroyed when they are weak.
@JSDorn @sickburnbro @LukeAlmighty @icedquinn @threalist "Woah the Disney slop has less overt homosexuality and niggers in it now I better give them money" not realizing that it's all made by the same people
@sickburnbro @icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty Biden is about to take away raul worker collective bargaining rights. Theres no slowing this shit down they cant.
@CatLord @sickburnbro @icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty You can just see the edit. Theres a button. But the rights of horny yellow fever workers arent my concern
@Boomerman @icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty Yeah, it's a big game of chicken moment. The thing is, even if the system wins this one, all they have to look forward to is bigger and harder ones.
@sickburnbro @icedquinn @threalist @LukeAlmighty They cant "win" they can just lose less hard. Theres not gonna be any pulling back on woke shit. The Republicans just passed a bill for the fags no one asked for. Theres zero pressure to stop it.
@Boomerman @icedquinn @LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro @threalist oh cool so next thing you know everyone will just decide to retire or find another job because that's what you do when your pay is shit.

Then you have newly hired wagies and a mcboss who wants number go up.
@threalist @LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro

"But, eventually they will run out of thoae trillions!"

Money printer go brrrrr...
They won't let ypu vote your way out of this. Not at the ballot box and not with your wallet.
@threalist @LukeAlmighty @sickburnbro Even if they turn back, customers have already lost all trust in them anyway.
Just look at the CensorStation for example.
Everything is woke, almost no PS5 exclusives, even 1st and 2nd party devs went multiplatform because they know nobody wants a PS5, and the only reason they're still around is because of the ESG bloat.

This is soycialism, they no longer need to care about the consoomers, as long as they go as woke as possible, BlackCock and Vanguard just take care of them instead.
If we really had a capitalist society, ESG wouldn't even exist in the first place, and they really had to serve the market in order to survive.
Meanwhile, lefties still don't seem to get it.
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