This is such an amazing debate

A leftie is surprised, that right wingers don't trust institutions, while he advocates for openly lyying to the public about inconvenient truths :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty Destiny is anti white, controlled opposition and an 'leftist'

Destiny talks too fast

Destiny is probly is jewish

Destiny plays games instead of listening to the people in the debate

Destiny talks over people

Destiny is not white nationalist, pro white or kosher right wing

I know
I know
I know
I know
I know
I know.

Thanks, what an insightful comment.

@Jens_Rasmussen @charliebrownau
Yes, I do find it entertaining.
I love inspecting what people do actually believe. Call it autism if you want, but if I was able to write a series of axioms for the left and right, that could be extended to explain the differences in their thought process, I would feel so great...

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau
I find the that interesting as well, but having an overall idea about how people think is good enough for me. I don't need to watch people confirm it over and over, nor have the minute details of individual e-celebs' viewpoints noted down.

>Autist interested in political anthropology
Seems almost contradictory.

@Jens_Rasmussen @charliebrownau
>Autist interested in political anthropology
Seems almost contradictory.

That's actually the simplest part. If people around you are all acting like crazy, and it's fucking your life up, you just have to learn what went wrong.

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau Most people, and autists in particular, would attempt to distance themselves from people they don't understand rather than study them.

@Jens_Rasmussen @charliebrownau
I am well distanced from people who act crazy.
But 99.99% of population are crazy to an autistic person, so this kind of unintuitive understanding is a survival need.

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@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau Understanding people well enough to get by and understanding the minds of academic communist's are two different levels. I commend your efforts though.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty

state school
state daycare
state universities

are all indoctrination camps to brainwash the next generation of tax cattle sheeple to listen and repeat and follow the state slavery system

Different groups arnt compatible

instead of forced state integration

we should have the ability to

self segregate
self separate
in our own spaces, towns, communities
without forced quotas, intergration or putting up with others that are outright incompatible and parasites

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