GIrls like her are the ones I constantly tell everyone to hunt for. There are solid wives just hiding from the world, because - let’s be honest - the ‘good’ guys have largely checked out.

Imagine you’re a normal - not insanely hot or anything, just a normal gal - going out and about. Where do you look for a man? The kind of guy you want, a man who wants to get married and settle down, isn’t hanging out in society. He’ll have brief attempts online before getting demoralized and dating a poor selection for a while, spending most of his time at work or school.


@Sugizo How do you, as a normal 6 girl, get his attention and get him to show interest?

Men today are blind to flirting, too scared of institutional warnings about harassment and rape to be willing to take a shot and ask you out. You’re far too shy to ask him either, at best you corral some ‘friends’ for a group date masquerading as a ‘hang out’.

Worse, the guys say they want a gf and wife, but will just as frequently high five each other to cancel on YOU and play video games in their room instead.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sugizo I mean, I know this is the Narrative. But other than the fear of harassment allegations I see zero evidence of any of it.

@Nou @Sugizo Do you work with women?

“Guys just don’t ask you out anymore!” is a common refrain. The only interest that is shown is for temporary one-off sex, and that’s a different parallel economy.

Many girls are just destroying themselves thinking they can fish in the pool of playboys and convince one to join the old school dating to marriage pipeline. It never works, but it’s the only sphere that has some kind of functional meeting system.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sugizo As I said, men not wanting to approach women is the only one I see with any credibility to it.
I see exactly zero evidence that the men who do land dates are not looking for a relationship/marriage, or that they are routinely blowing off their girlfriends to play vidya.
This seems like it's almost certainly an invention of the demographic that gave us the idea of the wage gap or the claim that being a stay-at-home mom is the height of oppression.

@Nou @Sugizo I’m taking this from people I know and see, where the hell else would I be taking this from?

I literally know a 22 yo guy whose gf dumped him because he kept blowing her off to play vidya with his faggot friends

Hell, I’VE blown off plenty of women to do other, more fun stuff. I’m offended you even think I’m regurgitating my view of the world from media instead of the stuff I see firsthand.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sugizo Your immediate response was to ask if I work with women. Suggesting I should be taking their word on what they are experiencing in the dating market. That was the demographic I was criticizing, not the media.

I would put money on the fact that for every 10 guys dumped for not wanting to get married it was at some absurdly early stage in the relationship, or he had every intention of proposing and he was doing something along the lines of saving up for a ring. Likewise, I have no doubt a similar ratio of men "blowing off" their girlfriend did so once or twice rather than regularly, and did so on nights where they had no plans and she merely had an expectation of doing something (which she failed to inform him of.)

@Nou @Sugizo You were acting like I’m parroting a media narrative, I’m saying I routinely, consistently hear women 18-45 whining about how guys aren’t flirting, asking them out on “real dates”, and aren’t even hanging out after work anymore.

We don’t have regular crew assignments, so IDK about how a more stable rotation of people would be, but I always try to escape a post-flight hangout at the bar, and from the dudes I talk to I’m far from the only one. Guys are keeping their distance way more than we did even 10 years ago, and the women notice.

There’s a dedicated horndog population that will “ask” but it’s only for one night and some sex, nothing past that, and after a few (okay, few dozen) cycles of that the ladies start to snap out of it and complain that “everybody just wants me for sex, no one wants to actually love me!”

My line of work is atomized for sure, but I don’t remember flight attendants as being perenially single whores as a general rule, they used to be normal, have families. That doesn’t seem to be on the table now.


@WashedOutGundamPilot @Nou @Sugizo
it's not like it's hard to get approached.
try this short checklist:
Are you listening to music? :no:
Do you wear overpriced clothes? :no:
Are you with your friends? :no:
Are you in a hurry? :no:
Are you working? :no:
Are you not smiling? :no:
Do you look like someone who would have a BF :no:
Are you in the age, where guessing wrong might get me jailed? :no:
Are you over 30? :no:
Are you in a pub? Hell :CirnoForReals:
Are you working the same job? :blobno: :no: :blobnostar:

Damn, I think I see your point.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Nou @Sugizo
If I were on PC, I would continue the list, but I have 2 percent on battery, so I had to make sure I finish the basics.

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @Sugizo I dunno fam. I'd approach a chick who like half of these were true for.

@Nou @Sugizo @WashedOutGundamPilot
I know...
I tried explaining the "overpriced clothes" point to a girl once. It didn't go well. :blobangel:

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