TFW blue states are cracking down on "single use plastics"

Nevermind the fact that plastic grocery bags get reused by most people.

Hell, I use them as garbage bags for my bathroom trash can plus whenever I travel I use one as my toiletry bag and then another just for my toothbrush so it doesn't rub against anything like deodorant, hair product, etc.

Plastic grocery bags are very versatile and get multiple uses (at least here in the south).

However the plastic container strawberries come in, the Saran wrap meat comes in, and the plastic bags most frozen things come in all of which will never be used again and are actually single use plastics? Yeah, those are fine because big corporations use them. You're just a serf. You're not allowed to reuse things you didn't pay for.

Didn't californian limiting of plastic bags make their streets brown from homeless people "fertilizer"?

@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty Actually starting today any delivery truck (from U-Haul to semis) with an engine built before 2010 is not allowed on the roads in California.

They made around 10% of the delivery trucks in use in California illegal overnight.

I'm excited to see how this plays out for them.
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