Fuck, this game just keeps on talking and talking and talking...

Although, the graphics are incredible. The ground looks so realistic, that whenever I see anything translucent (like skin or grass), it kinda jumps scares me back to reality.

And the names are SO BAD...
Fragile? Die-hardman? Deadman? WHY???

Is this another "you're being brainwashed" kinda story? I have to be literally told, that someone is my mother. I can come back from dearh....

Yeah, something ain't right.

Don't work too hard trying to deconstruct the narrative. Kojima is literally just that autistic.

It's like a story told by someone who has never actually met people, but has been told about them. Or maybe a story generated by AI.

I am seriously not sure just how much of the story is a smart satire, and how much is me missing Kojima's world view, or future plot twists... But it's becoming way too funny somwhow.

I feel like I am looking at a satire, that is being played way too seriously.

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He has to be joking.
I have to actively sleep in this game, while watching the guy for 5 minutes?

I actually like Kojima, but I also think he's kind of insane. I've played through that game twice and don't think it's supposed to be satirical even though it definitely contains socio-political commentary. But that's been true of his games going back to MGS.

There are other things that I think are supposed to be funny and fourth-wall breaking like the product placement and cameos, but not necessarily satirical. I think he's actually a pretty sincere creator at the end of the day. If you make it through the ending, I think that will be proved out for you.

Burning a baby? Being told that I agree to a contract? Wearing a literal handcufs?

This screams satire to me.

Did the fucking rain just destroyed all 100kg of cargo I wore?

The timefall will degrade containers, but they can be repaired with a spray and later a structure you'll be able to build. IIRC, packages with degraded containers can still be turned in for mission completion.

I am starting to think, that this route was scripted to be an absolute shitshow...

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