Youch. Can’t wait for bitter, condescending fools like this to hold every position of management and leadership in this country alongside 91 IQ foreigners

It honestly amazes me how loveless people are today. They’re so self-centered that every little thing they do has to be about them.

We don’t have a firm system, sometimes she does it, sometimes I do. I still don’t like how she insists on folding all my stuff all neat and tidy, I think it’s a waste of time for the underwear and workout gear, and she doesn’t like it when I wash clothes with the bedsheets. We just don’t think about it all that much, we don’t have any problems taking care of each other. Shit like this is weird.

I used to be afraid of the laundry when I was in high school too. But that was, because it was always described as this infinitely complex artform.

Then I found, that If I throw all the clothes together, to the washing machine, let it dry and... that's it. The exact fucking same result. I don't even need to iron unless I feel extra snobby.

@LukeAlmighty The Cult of Oprah really made hay out of talking up the gamut of domestic chores, and it never went away.

Laundry isn’t hard, cleaning isn’t hard, even cooking isn’t hard. The things that made them tiresome and difficult have largely been automated, and the only way they ARE tough to do is when you have a big family, with children (poorly parented) constantly undoing all your work as you go.

THAT is indeed hard and thankless, but women never made that distinction, instead saying “being a stay at home mom is the HARDEST job you’ll ever have!!!!” to boost each other’s ego. Now, their daughters are living alone and parroting that same idea without ever realizing that they’re at MOST doing the laundry for 2 people with more automation than ever and ordering food off an app for every meal.

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Women love doing boring repetative shit thats easy and doesnt really end up producing anything of value. You can tell they're wired for it because they fill out coloring books or do diamond art or paint by numbers or crochet for fun. If laundry were high status and trendy they'd be making tiktoks denonstrating folding technique or some shit.
@Sprayfoam_Sal @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Folding is a black art to me. I always do a shitty bi-fold and I don't feel like I'm maximizing the space in my wardrobe. Can you offer any advice on how to get better at it?

@Intramuros_ @Sprayfoam_Sal @WashedOutGundamPilot
It should get you the exactly same results as folding carboard, and as a bonus, you won't even look autistic :D

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