@WashedOutGundamPilot @Bro-Drillard
I have the same opinion about the famous rule:
"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

And I realized, just how bad it is, when I was talking about JFK assassination, and the guy said: FBI tried to get him killed, so they would have an amazing arrest on their hands, and they had just fucked up the arrest part.

This guy literally assumed stupidity as an explanation of an arranged murder.

@LukeAlmighty @Bro-Drillard they literally invented the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ to slander people smart enough to note patterns. 103 IQ rubes like that literally fall right into the trap of telling them “you’re a genius if you believe this retarded, illogical position!”

and they also poison the discussion with obviously-silly 'theories' that can be conflated with the legitimate research. "oh, so you believe the vaccines make a magnet stick to your arm!"

@not_br549 @Bro-Drillard @WashedOutGundamPilot
I am so pissed whenever I want to have a serious debate with my dad, and he says: "And then, they're gonna chip us"

Bruh, the chip theories (true or fake) were from times, before google was publically offering you to find your phone online.

the chip is in that thing most people already carry around in their pocket. your dad is probably already chipped.

@not_br549 @Bro-Drillard @WashedOutGundamPilot
I know... But it is a conversation killer, not an actual argument from his side.

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