@LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 Joke’s on you, I stopped watching after 3 seconds (have worked with women so I’ve heard it all before)

@sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @grey @Shadowman311 it's weird none of those thoughts crossed my mind, it was mor elike "man divorce statistics for people with high body counts are through the fucking roof"
@Zealist @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @grey @Shadowman311 Tbh the lisp made it hard to concentrate on whatever he was babbling about so I was watching the cake lady.
@sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @grey @Shadowman311 it's one of them fuckin old stupid tactics "you're not a real man if you have standards, not a real man if you won't raise a nigger baby from her previous boyfriend" etc etc etc.

@Zealist @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @grey @Shadowman311 Have also heard “Everyone has history and mistakes, you shouldn’t let something so insignificant stop you from being with the person you love”

Sorry, sex isn’t insignificant, especially if they were sleeping around on the first date.

@Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 Sex is literally the most sacred act we have available, the power of creation is not something you can just use for fun.

Creation without purpose, calling a soul into existence as an accident is worse than murder in my eyes

@LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist I don’t get how people don’t feel more serious about ‘accidents’, particularly when the child is just abandoned. Most people probably deserve killin’ to some small degree or another, but an innocent child being condemned to a wretched life as a slave/bastard creature is horrible, there’s a reason so many people beg for death

@Twoinchdestroya @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist It’s so normalized that nobody would have to do something they ‘don’t want to’ you’re seen as a crazy person when you hint at a shotgun wedding. We’re almost to 50% wedlock kids now, things are only getting worse

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist Had a conversation with two people about it before, they could not grasp the idea that if you let people face the consequences of their poor life decisions, then they will never learn to never make that mistake again.

Abortion is horrendous, but a clump of cells isn’t worth anything if you just wanted to have fun.

@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist I am confused at what your last sentence means. Are you speaking in character or stating their opinion, or is that your own? I am disgusted at the thought of an unborn child being compared to "a clump of cells". I do forgive people who aren't parents for those type of opinions, but I cannot even fathom the thought of being pro-babymurder after having children. It's truly a spiritually and emotionally bankrupt belief.

@BowsacNoodle @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist The last sentence was a mockery of the opposition’s point of view, that an unborn life is just a “clump of cells”.

I do not entirely fault people for not wanting a child due to a number of justifiable reasonings, however to be blessed with a child and passionlessly kill it is horrid. They can do so by equating the life as nothing more than a tumor or parasite.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Twoinchdestroya @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist I think we're kind of stalled on the decline or leveled out. The divorce rate has actually gone down. If you look at first marriages, it's way down. If you look at first marriages with three or less partners it's even lower.

@BowsacNoodle @Twoinchdestroya @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Zealist Things are just slightly improving, women are sexless in higher rates as the millie women who just how rough a long tinder life is. The smart people are learning a lot from the sidelines, so it’s not all entirely bad.

IRL I’m actually seeing more to yell at the boys for, than the girls

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @grey @sargoysmuck @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya because this is a newer phenomena terminating pregnancies and abandoning babies isn't something normal societies do en masse, what an accidental pregnancy SHOULD BE, is a wake up call to become a responsible adult and raise a kid.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist Maybe you should try thinking about things in the best/worst case scenario fren. I know it’s hard in current times though.

A lot of us already get enough doom pilling from everyday life.🥂

@sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist I’m only putting this out there so guys consider the moral, spiritual ramifications of somebody who slept around and let a few dozen guys blast inside her guts

It’s like playing russian roulette with a baby’s life, in a sort of way. It’s not at all wrong, unhealthy, or judgmental to be viscerally disgusted by whores

@WashedOutGundamPilot @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Zealist This is a cautionary tale for men who want to sleep around too, if you hate the moral fabric of today’s loose women, then don’t go out and make more of them. Takes two to do the Hoedown.

@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Zealist Unfortunately there is a surplus of immoral men that will fuck anything that moves if it lets them
@WashedOutGundamPilot @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya i assume most guys around this thing would have the sense to already avoid women like this lol.

@Zealist @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya You’d think, but I’ve seen more than a few guys who knew better just fall right under the spell of some skank. Before you know it they’re trying to get together just to have you - an unpolluted mind - listen to their rationalization in the hopes you give them permission to stay retarded

@WashedOutGundamPilot @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist Don’t discount the physical ramifications either: reduced (at best) ability to pair bond, leading to divorce/“grass is greener” mentality; microchimerism/a piece of every man she got nutted by will forever be insider her, changing her behavior; increased risk of STDs.

A reasoning man would look at the all the facts and weigh them against getting some worn out strange, and decide that it’s just not worth it. Sadly, many men aren’t reasoning.

@JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist Literally ZERO reason to saddle your kids with a really worn-out, soul-dead woman like that unless you cannot conceivably figure out any other method…..and even then I’d advise nearly any other drastic lifestyle change over that.

“yeah but dude she knows how to suck really good”

That’s all they ever offer, as if teaching your woman isn’t part of their charm

@WashedOutGundamPilot @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist Why would I want my dick in my wife's mouth anyways? I kiss that. I've no desire to degrade someone I actually care about and who births my children.
@RupertvonRipp @WashedOutGundamPilot @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya i got this hunch that if you really went on a deep dive about when fellatio got popular, would be when jews started making a lot more porns.
@Zealist @WashedOutGundamPilot @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya I'd believe it. Same thing with Zoomers being obsessed with anal sodomy. There's one proper place for the penis and that place can bring forth new life. The woman's vagina is the natural home for the penis.

@Zealist @RupertvonRipp @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya Well duh, that’s the millennial generation, and it’s the guys who did it. Everyone watched porn and thought that was the natural recipe, as if you needed oral to get a guy in the mood - right.

Same reason anal came to be accepted, enough guys kept insisting it was totally normal, and women kept acquiescing, then it got into the female arms race where they wanna be the ‘cool’ girl

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya NGL if I were single and a girl offered me her ass I'd be disgusted. I know what comes out of that thing, woman.

@RupertvonRipp @Zealist @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya Talk to anyone in the ED and they’ll give you insane horror stories about the kids today. Pornos never talk about the necessary preparation and enemas, so you have a whole lot of sphincter trauma and shitting.

Imagine being a teenager and trying to hide a high pressure spray of projectile diarrhea when you hear the garage door open, only for your gf to be taken to the hospital and screamed at that she may need a colostomy bag

@WashedOutGundamPilot @RupertvonRipp @Zealist @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 A nightmarish example was a story about a high school girl whose first sexual experience was hard core anal, and now she has severe damage and lives with fecal incontinence for the rest of her life.

Pornography forces everyone to become so desensitized to the human form, that they have to find a way to milk every last bit for their sexual gratification.

@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 We've all seen that and egads... only fate worse than that is 'your face got eaten by a pitbull' or 'you have a bastard niglet and incurable STDs.'
@WashedOutGundamPilot @RupertvonRipp @Zealist @JedKron1248 @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya What’s ED?

Also stap dõxin me
> Imagine being a teenager and trying to hide a high pressure spray of projectile diarrhea when you hear the garage door open

@WashedOutGundamPilot @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist It’s selfishness at the core: I want a semen demon for MY pleasure, and not a suitable mother for my children (scoffs as if I’d ever want brats like that)


@WashedOutGundamPilot @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Zealist Someone older than me was trying to convince me, “Dude, get with a gal whose in her mid-30s, she has a lot of experience and wisdom”

Yeah, I’m sure that’s what that is…

@Twoinchdestroya @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Zealist Something so gay, weak-willed and cucky about wanting an ‘experienced’ girl. Why on earth do you want her driving in the bedroom? It’s way, way more enjoyable teacher and learning with her.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @JedKron1248 @sargoysmuck @LukeAlmighty @grey @Shadowman311 @Zealist Men nowadays, me included, are still mentally children and feel the need to be guided. A flawed mentality, but it is seen so often with how many people put themselves into a dept abyss for toys and cheap experiences.

Also sex-addicts want an “experienced” woman, so they don’t feel like they are the most twisted or depraved in the relationship.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck I’m curious as to where exactly that whole thing came from. Like, I know it was probably the jews, as so many vile things are, but when and where exactly? And why did it spread so damn well? :thonk:

@Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck Probably a natural outgrowth of people telling whores (which are waxing in number) what they want to hear as tinder culture created yet MORE whores

Plus hookup culture prefers something fun and wild and tantalizing and dopamine-fryingly novel

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck Feels alien as it gets, tbh. The people into that sort of thing who are reddit-brain types would call my life tremendously vanilla and my relationship 'toxic,' 'clingy', 'emotionally abusive', 'overly controlling', etc.

Yeah but I get a stable home life and kids by being that way, lol.
@RupertvonRipp @WashedOutGundamPilot @Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @grey @sargoysmuck well, if all this shit were so good, and obviously so, i wouldn't even be opposing it if shit worked like their made upf antasy says it should, i should be having the best life possible right now, but apparently it's all just a pack of fucking lies meant to destroy anything and everything we have left. it worked for thousands of years, BUT OH THATS BAD THE OLD WAYS ARE BAD cuz they worked.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck
Yeah, but what created the whole "bro, you should marry a whore, she'll be so much fun!!!!" thing? How did the cancer spread out past the boundaries of hookup culture in the first place? And for that matter, I've seen this take in places that predate Tinder and company, there are 80s movies where the "cool, fun whore" is treated as some sort of prize rather than a landmine. :senko_disgust:

@Zealist @Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot @grey @sargoysmuck Sure she may have slept with half the State of Ohio, but she’d be a great mother to your child

@Giganova8 @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck Whenever Golden Girls or Sex in the City were prevalent, but in all honesty, I believe Playboy or Hustler was a major moral shift.

Men would slobber and want to marry to nude women they saw in the magazine.

@Twoinchdestroya @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck True, but that doesn’t seem like quite enough to catalyze the sudden push for “bro you need a whore wife, she’ll totally blow your mind so much you won’t think about all the other guys she fucked!!!”. Feels like there’s gotta be something more to it than just that. :holo_think:

@Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck It does if you understand compounding interest, years and years of boys being introduced to pornography at younger and younger ages let’s that poison grow in their minds and souls. There is never an instantaneous change in human behavior, it’s a gradual compounding shift of perception.

By the time you are in your teens, the most moldable time in your youth, boys and girls are bombarded with sexual imagery and porn acceptance. Overtime, they will only see relationships as something that has to be just as good or better than what they see on screen.

@Twoinchdestroya @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck I think I may be phrasing this poorly. I’m specifically asking where the idea that “a whore is a good catch because sex skills!!” came from, cause I just can’t see that coming out of sexual imagery alone. It seems to be too coherent a message, too uniformly opposed to “old values” to be something organic, like the obsession with anal. That I understand as coming from too much porn and not enough reality, but the former seems too structured, like something that had to be psyopped into existence. :cirno_think:

Maybe it can, IDK. Just something about explaining it as just “too much porn” feels insufficient, somehow. :shrug:

@RupertvonRipp @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck
That's my question, given how you always see these guys like Tate claiming you should get an experienced woman cause she's "more fun". :vomit:
@Giganova8 @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck Sounds like nigger-cope to me, for niggers rut like beasts and the idea of a 'pure' member of their species is as laughable as a flying pig.
@Giganova8 @RupertvonRipp @JedKron1248 @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck

"Just take the village bicycle Anon, it'll be fine. You totally aren't a cuck for settling for her sloppy nine millionths,"
@SpurgAnon @LukeAlmighty @JedKron1248 @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Zealist @grey @sargoysmuck @Giganova8 I know I was, the wife hadn't even had a date before I met her. She was /cripplingly/ shy back then... she had me meet her parents on the first date.
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