
@ChristiJunior @NEETzsche
I think, that a retard is always better, then a guy so smart, that his brain starts rationalizing away from real world into pure-simulation models, that are inevitably just a broken loop of broken rules.

So... I think it would be easier to talk some sense into Vaush.


Vaush is a retard but somehow that makes him less intellectually dishonest than Harris who knows better

@ChristiJunior @NEETzsche
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @NEETzsche Vaush literally takes his morality from MCU movies and uses them as citations during debates, I don't think there's any chance of talking sense into him.

He's also actually, genuinely evil, and there's no reasoning with evil.
batman never kills people because if he did he wouldn't have a rouge's gallery anymore and the comic would just end. somehow this is extrapolated to how a very human police officer should deal with intense encounters with dangerous people who are likely armed and could try to kill him.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @NEETzsche
You won't be able to convince Sam Harris of shit because he's jewish to the core and his very existence has been doing shit for the jewish overmind. With that being said Vaush wins be default.

Do I seriously have to choose between these two scumbags

@NEETzsche @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
The only choice that you should be considering with these two sickos is what form of execution suits their proclivities the most.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @NEETzsche Vaush would tell you that blacks commit crimes because of "systemic racism" and hed give you a list of examples.
Harris would agree that blacks commit more crimes for non-systemic reasons but he would argue that racism is still bad because its unfair to individuals.
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