@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie >Is a boss of high-end business
Well fug! First item on the list and I already lost. :whyMelt: :whyMelt:
It's over real-women-bros!

@SuperSnekFriend @nukie “high end biz” to women isn’t what it is to us

They probably think an “entrepeneur” with a “club promotion’ business is high-end

@WashedOutGundamPilot @SuperSnekFriend @nukie For most of them when stripped of internet bravado it just means "has a real job and isn't a burn out."

@RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @nukie While I post a lot of the worst FDS takes, I actually read a lot of their points with sympathy. Guys love getting mad at it, but if you read through their posts it’s apparent that these dumb skanks are constantly dating the worst archetypes of men - the same guys I hate, too.

Problem is, the guys outside those archetypes aren’t visible enough for women to meet IRL, since a lot of ‘normal’ dudes largely become recluses, so women just keep trying to turn playboys into husbands. Then they complain, and the avg guys looking on from afar get blackpilled all over again.

@LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend I don’t get mad at my dog when she sneaks eggs out of the henhouse - she’s a dog, it’s what she does.

Expecting women to think like us is just aggravating. Once you shrug off the idea they have the same agency and rationale as men, it gets a lot easier dealing with them.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend I had a chick at work who asked me why I’m so understanding, and listen so well. And I’m just like, “you don’t want to know.”

She goes, “No really. What’s the trick?”

Me: “You know how when a 4-year-old cries, you don’t blame the 4-year-old for crying. They’re four, they’re going to cry. All you can do is comfort them.”

Her: “yeah?”

Me: “and how you don’t get mad at a dog for shitting in the yard, because they’re dogs. They’re going to shit in the yard. It’s a thing dogs do.”

Her: “ Yeaaah?”

Me: “well I just expect women to be emotional and not logical. If you’re complaining about something, do you want me to explain to you exactly how to fix it?”

Her: “No. Generally I just want to bitch how about how I’m unhappy.”

Me: “exactly. You don’t think like I do. And I don’t expect you to think like I do. And because I don’t expect you to think like I do, I don’t expect the same standards from you that I would from someone like me.”

Her: “so you don’t get angry at us when we’re being unreasonable, because you just expect us to be unreasonable?”

Me: “Yup.”

Her: “You were right, I didn’t want to know.”

@Codeki @WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend That’s why we don’t talk about it.
You’re better off being considered understanding.

@epic @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah, there’s another chick that I end up having to explain things to because I don’t make her cry when I tell her things. The reason I don’t make her cry is because I watch my language like I’m babysitting a young child.

Instead of “You fucked up 4 hours worth of product, and here’s what you need to do next time,” I have to coach it as, “The quality department found issues with some of the product that was made earlier. Can we make sure that we do additional quality checks though the night to prevent issues in the future?”

Never say, “You need to do this.” Always word it as “We need to do this.”

And our supervisor will go, “Go get Amy to do X. I don’t know how to word it so she doesn’t take it as a personal slight.”

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