@LukeAlmighty Is Edgerunners watchable for a non-weeb? Loved the game to death but not much of an anime-nerd.

I cannot tell. I am a weeb, and by this point, I am completely immune to japanese style repulsion. :ablobcool:

But it was a great story, and if you loved the game, then you cannot lose much by trying it :ablobparty:

I just know, that many people had an issue with existence of Rebecca, but small people do exist... (insers a huge SJWy rant about the intolerance towards dwarfs)

@LukeAlmighty @futt Rebecca isn’t a loli b/c she’s clearly an obese, mannish woman (from the sound of the eng VA)


@WashedOutGundamPilot @futt
I know, it's obvious.
But try to explain it to a woman who never spoke to a person under 6 feet tall :meru_goodsh:

@LukeAlmighty @futt My chick is sub-5 feet, it’s a never ending shamefest if I show her to fat roasties at work.

Yankee women are so food-brained they think anyone short & skinny must surely be too young to drive

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Yeah the missus is 5'1" so I think I can get away with it!
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