Somehow, I hate Jonny Silverhand. While the concept of the character is amazing, he seems to be missing a few rewrites. He's literally in my head, but I haven't heard him say a single line that impressed me in any significant way.

@LukeAlmighty That's the summary of 2077. Needed a bit more polish. Great idea, terrible execution. I was always most disappointed that you couldn't do rep missions and become peaceful to specific gangs.


> a bit more polish
The game has broken essential game mechanics. Sometimes, the in game monitors show black screens. That should not be happening in such a huge game years after release.

@LukeAlmighty @fkq1q2r2 @LukeAlmighty @fkq1q2r2 I found dude V more annoying because of his voice and accent. I would've liked to have much more voice options than just a single male/female V voice.
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