
The video was great, but that ending was such an obvious motivated lie.

Never ask a barber if you need a new haircut. This guy had literally said, that the only way for the right to win is to willingly not fight.

Yeah... Even mere minutes before, he said, that the right does switch to agression and instant win, so it's obvious why he doesn't want to see that :D

It's actually quite funny. He used the story of the boy who burns down the village to feel it's wormth twice in his video.

First time was to introduce the concept, and in the 2nd time, was during the ending, where he said "please, don't burn down (((OUR))) houses, we might still need them", admitting, that he consideres himself part of the old society.

@LukeAlmighty @Solo_Knight I think he said he works in university which explains a lot, also his video why the BRICS have failed is fucking dogshit.
it's every big GAE propaganda in one video and so out touch that he claiming America is rising in technological development and population while projecting the collapsing of GAE onto BRICS nations and saying these nations will fail in decade or two, and start denying the whole world is dumping the dollar by saying everyone is using the dollar and they won't dump it because the US won't allow it, like holy fuck dude he can't put two and two together.
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