I know this sounds bad, but holy hell how have standards in streaming content fallen so much? Every time something piques my interest I turn it on only to hear:

- Dogshit audio quality, like someone's calling in from a landline at the train station.

- Embarrassing, retarded speaking issues, like disabilities, pathologies, and disfigurements

- Cringe-sounding voices that make you ashamed to share a hobby with them

- Coughing into the microphone

- Eating into the mic, then going overboard and doing it even worse when people complain. (*great* joke, dude, that's *hilarious*)

- Smoking into the mic so people hear your bongwater, or burping and laughing about how gross it sounds

- No good microphone, streaming on airpods or phone headsets as if that's adequate.

- No audio mastery for pre-recorded stuff. I've seen full-on million-dollar operations "master" their shit by booting up imovie on the intern's macbook and hitting the "autofix" while listening to their video through the stock laptop speakers

I know I’m being mean and venting, but I actually root for people to put out good content. I’m happy to see it whenever it appears. It’s rare, and people are desperate for it. I just see a lot of laziness in the ‘creator’ class, and it drives me up the wall.

Also it’s really grossing me out how every time I click on something it’s some guy who sounds like a retard. Sorry bucko, but if you’ve got a voice that’s hard to listen to you need to put the work in to address it. It’s not your audience’s job to overlook your disabilities.


Just wait till you hear the sound quality of Hindi IT guides.

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