They’ve been saying this kind of thing for a while and I don’t think they noticed that increasing numbers are indeed leaving the offering table.

“take it or leave it, CHUD” is not the tactic to go for when your survival depends on being taken


Saw a model 2 days ago.

She was below the healthy weight for sure... But the way her skin just slided over the abdominals... :konata_cry: something unreal...

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@LukeAlmighty A super flat gym tummy is great to look at, but it’s not a daily driver. I actually like softer curves, like that gym girl who’s relaxed a bit and padded out a bit. Much more comfy to snugg

Exactly... I totally agree, that I preffer a healthy woman.

But I cannot deny, when sometimes, a single look does in fact throw you for a loop :D

@LukeAlmighty it’s the ol’ Daily driver vs dream car thing.

I love sports cars, but after living with them for a bit I’m content to have a sporty sedan instead.

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty yea... Never really got the hard gym fem appeal. Babies need squish

@pyrate @WashedOutGundamPilot
Not exactly what I would call a gym fem appeal either.

As I said, obviously below the healthy, I would be almost afraid to hug her from being so thin, but....

@WashedOutGundamPilot @pyrate
I fucking saw her to the "slight pull on trousers" pose...

Yeah... I should stop posting before it gets unhealthy :F

She looks like the offspring from someone fuckin a parrot.
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