@Christi Junior Of course. Everything in the world is organized by the Jews and everything is illegitimate when the cremlin says so. Because you're a dirty nazi.
@martin Zelensky is literally a Jew who has criminalized "anti-Semitism" in Ukraine, it's not my fault that reality keeps confirming my biases :loli_shrug:
@Christi Junior Nazis should be criminalized everywhere. Like in nearly all Europe. Hitler gave good reason for that. Such pieces of shit are not welcomed.

@martin @ChristiJunior
Aaaand.... You're gone.

For a slight moment, I thought you weren't just hopeless, but you believe, that people should be prosecuted for their opinions.

You are a fascist. I am sorry to inform you, but you are the exact thing you think you hate :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty Minarchist, not fascist. But not alone person here in Europe. I would prefer real free speech, but it produce such pieces of nazi shits like here in thread.
Or ban nazi and communist propaganda.

@LukeAlmighty Aha. Asi úpllně nerozumíš angličtině. "Or" znamená "anebo".
Takže znovu a pomaleji: jsem pro americký způsob svobody slova. Ale holt v Evropě převládá názor, že takto zvrhlá ideologie by měla být banována.
Ale když už se mají banovat zvrhlé ideologie, tak i komunismus, který má na svědomí ještě více obětí.

Teď už jsi to pobral?
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