Now, is this a problem with capitalism, or with government power? (hint: judge is not a corporation)

@LukeAlmighty Who do you think owns the gov? Hint: the state in nothing more than a big gun

Well, at least, we agree that everyone involved in this story belongs on a fucking cross.

@LukeAlmighty I know ypur answer, and if you seriously think that just changing the race of the capitalists will change shit, you're naive at best

No.... It is not about the race, but about the access to the money printers.

Weird to assume, that I care about the race, but I guess it's the argument you heard on here many times before.

@LukeAlmighty @moffintosh Ive been hearing that from people like hexagod

Its the Jew Bankers, not the Jews

Only whitey doesn't get their own homeland and racial group preference and must group collective guilty for sins we didnt actually commit

@charliebrownau @moffintosh
The fact, that the jews use the money to control the government is a secondary issue that is also of great importance, but it's not the problem, that causes the economical mess we're in right now.

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty

whitey doesn't get their own homeland


[whitey doesn't gey] racial group preference and must group collective guilty for sins we didnt actually commit

Racial group preference is bad in general. The large issue with white racialism is that it's has been deployed exclusively as a reactionary ideology to counter working-class movements, justify imperialism and slavery of other ethnic groups. It has no "progressive" component

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
No. We don't get that here. Even in ridiculously white areas, we're getting more and more push for immigration, as well as entirely Jewish government.

Sorry, but Europe had fallen.

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
Czech republic is one of the best case scenarios at the moment, and we have 1 nationalist party.

It got mere 10 percent of votes, and is the primary target of all the media (((for some reason))).

I wish you were right, but it's just wrong.

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau

It got mere 10 percent of votes, and is the primary target of all the media (((for some reason)))

It will lead you in the same situation hungary is in: same number of migrants, but the gov pretends to do something about it.
Same thing that has appened here with the Legue and now with the current gov: poor broke people still arrive, the main difference is that the gov gestures and screams in the media that they're doing something about it while 0 stuff has changed because the people who bankroll them want low cost workers with no rights to fight back

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau Dude, the continent has been invaded by MUCH more hostile forces than poor people on sinking boats already. Europe will be fine.

And that's without counting that even new immigrants birth-rate plateaus once they arrive here anyway

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
Either europe is a safe haven for musloids, or for white people.


@moffintosh @charliebrownau
I am an atheist you retard.
Musloids want me dead. I am om the same level for them as a faggot. I am not even human to them.

So fuck off with the "europe is christian" bullshit.

@LukeAlmighty @moffintosh Judaeo Christianity and Judaeo Islam are Jewish made up scam control systems for Arabs, low iq and gullible to cover up the truth about our realm, our history and society pre 250-300 years ago

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
You forgot to write a sentence.
What was your point? I seriously cannot tell.

Ok, U choose white people.
Now, how do you get rid of the musloid rats?

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau And second: birth rates of immigrant families plateau and become the similar to the local european birth rate once they get here.

So yeah more socialism and people need to fuck more

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
Also, women's education had been seen across the entire world to be the primary cause of falling birth rates.

Would you be willing to take women's right for education away to restore birth rates?

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
Btw, I am serous.
Working women have no time for family. It's kinda tragic, but taking care of a kid takes time. And a full time job is just not a compatible goal.

@LukeAlmighty @moffintosh Its a lot

Giving women 'rights'
Educating women
Women careers

No fault divorce
Child support
Divorce settlement
The pill
Pussy pass

Look at every group that ACTUALLY has patoracy
- Amish
- Islam
- Regious Jews
They have a birth rate above replacement

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau

Also, women's education had been seen across the entire world to be the primary cause of falling birth rates.

Coincidence is not a casue

Would you be willing to take women's right for education away to restore birth rates?

Because it doesn't work. The Duce tried that and the birth rate barely budged.
A high birthrate is driven by either
1) children being a direct investiment to get labour-power to produce for the family
2) The prespective of a brighter future ahead. Today raising a kid is expensive, society is fragmented and the future filled with debts and bleakness, so people don't bother.

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
> Raining kid is expensive

I see gypsies raise 10 kids on my tax money alone, so I call bullshit.

@LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau

1) children being a direct investiment to get labour-power to produce for the family

@moffintosh @charliebrownau
So, you're ready to get rid of the retarded anti-child labor laws?

Show newer
@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau Was going to ask about inverse relationship between rich populations and birthrate, but it seems like you are right per capita: :jahy_hmm:

However, there still is the issue where richer Western and Western-influenced (Japan, Korea, China) countries do experience abysmal fertility rates compared to less rich Latin, African, and Eastern countries. I have to indirectly agree with LukeAlmighty in the sense that the West instilling a certain anti-natal and natal-resistant ideology through means like education kills fertility.
Any striving for absolute sexual equality, rather than for a complementarian or patriarchal approaches, kills fertility quickly, even when governments provide for family benefits compared to Western countries that do not:

And you cannot fake traditionalism either, compare self-professing conservative Protestants to those that actually act consistently with the commands of Scriptures ("Biblical literalism" and active church participation) and thus the Bible's patriarchal worldviews:
Note that Perry and Scleifer, page 9, admit that another study has better definition of "conservative Protestant" compared to others and their own for this reason.
Also note that Perry and Scleifer do not discuss the rise of feminist and feminism-improving (anything that aids the increase of feminism but are not by themselves essential to feminist) beliefs and actions within American conservative Protestant circles. They only mention a shallow "mingling of Evangelicals with mainstream culture", which is not an acceptable analysis in any setting.
Also note that a recent study showed that many so-called or self-professing conservative Protestants do not even posses consistent beliefs with the definition of "conservative Protestants" absolving them the right to be called such. This study was conducting after Perry's and Scleifer's, so they would not have benefited form this.
Women control sex and therefore fertility at the lower end. Women are convinced they don't need men and expect men to value their careers or being independent, etc. This, in conjunction with the contraceptive pill and contraception in general are increasing the effect. Therefore the bottom has fallen off the birth rates in the west.

Now for the top end, it's not only women but also men not choosing families and children. So where we would expect men to be a standard "sow your oats" factor, they're not. Families deciding whether to have another child decide against it because couples are not financially independent until late in life, especially in the US where student debt is basically 10 years of slavery minimum. Then you hit the wall, where women will not marry young because they want to live like men, until their fertility bell rings and then men don't choose them. MGTOW is gaining traction and incels, however we make fun of them, are a serious demographic because of the blatant sexism in western society: equal rights for all, except not men, where their role is a confused mix of past "patriarchy" and modern "equity". Where women have only gained privileges and access to occupations and resources the last 20 years, men have only lost.

Finally, the gender theory cancer has sat on top of all this and is giving misguided young people an "out": women who feel that being a woman is unfair, decide they're men. And men who can't locate their role in society decide they're women, because all men desire women.

How conservative anyone is, does not change much of the above, although it's an interesting thought exercise. Nor does giving people incentives to have children. It's not about people being busy with other things and putting off having children. It's about actual barriers driving down natality and making children, effectively, infeasible, even for rich people. Rich men and women, though privileged, are still facing most of the same barriers as their poorer counterparts. It's just that the poor usually are also uneducated and therefore have children that they cannot support.

Soon, children will be like clean potable water: expensive, exclusive and used to manipulate large social groups.

@SuperSnekFriend @LukeAlmighty @charliebrownau

Any striving for absolute sexual equality, rather than for a complementarian or patriarchal approaches, kills fertility quickly, even when governments provide for family benefits compared to Western countries that do not


@moffintosh @charliebrownau
Yeah... in that case, I get why you don't see importing rape gangs as a problem.

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Look who is behind

Pedo story hour
International Corporations
Central Banking Cartel
Multi racialism
Open Borders
Eco Greens
Petrol ((( fossil fuels)))

Clearly you havent researched shit, your a commie talking point

Look at
WEF, Great Reset, Plandemic
Who is behind JAB companies

The truth exists for those willing to rearch off mainstream

Go check out Bitchute , Rumble, Odysee, SearX Search engine
away from Jewogle and Duckduckjew search engines
@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Wrong

Europe and 170 nations are under International Jewish Power

We lost 200+ years ago
We are just waking up to the sham a few years ahead of NWO/Hoahide dictatorship in 2028-2030-2035

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty > Israeli fash controls zhe world somehow

Take your pills please

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty International and National Commies
are just as brainwashed as civnats, christians and Boomers

Take a look at the names and people

No pro white person runs our own nations, systems or positions of power

Anti Whites
Jewish Allies

The reality and proof exists if your willing to admit your wrong

I expect Antifa, BLM and self hating white commies
to be thrown under the bus during the shift to 15 minute cities and NWO total control

Dont say white Ethnic Nationalists didnt warn you

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty Slapping a david flag on random ohotos isn't proof

International and National Commies
People who want to abolish bankers and capital are the same people who bootlicked them for years

Most politically literate poastie

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Commie is a Jewish creation you fucking dickhead
Zero research as usual

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty Communism was developed by Karl and Karl alone, 0 other people were involved and the fact that he was ethnically a jew means that he's automagically a longnosed baddie

@moffintosh @charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty Not looking out for your own is how you get replaced by an outgroup that does

It's an immutable truth that genes are selfish. Kinship is real and it has real effects on behaviours and outcomes

The default state is racial self preference. Whites only go against this now after a century of propaganda and coercion and only as long as the social benefits outweigh the cost, which won't be true for long


I guess it's the argument you heard on here many times before.

Sadly true

about the access to the money printers.


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