Now it’s true there are many dudes who are fat, ambitionless coomers (they have no right to complain about anything dating-wise), but for the guys who are motivated, fit, and looking to start a family, it’s just as bad out there.

@synapsid >Work hard in school to go to a good college.
>Work hard in a good college to get a high-paying job.
>Work hard on yourself to be fit and look good.
Because women like a self-made man. Then, for all your hard work, the majority of potential mates you can choose from:
- have a body-count in the double digits;
- are single mothers with children already;
- out of their fucking minds with anti-depressants.
And the fucking thing that always gets me is that they think they deserve everything you've worked hard for and MORE. Women have such an over-inflated sense of worth because of social media and the multitudes of online men who shower them with flattery-induced dopamine hits because they want to stick their dick in them. FUCK WOMEN'S RIGHTS. FUCK THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION. FUCK SOCIAL MEDIA.

@Neigh-Sayer @synapsid
>Work hard in school to go to a good college.
>Work hard in a good college to get a high-paying job.
>Work hard on yourself to be fit and look good.

> be called a fat, ambitionless coomer as a reward

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@LukeAlmighty @synapsid >"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best, incel."
Modern women bring less and less to the relationship and men bring more and more. Instinctually, women want men who can provide for them whilst men want women who are pure. When a man passes on his DNA for procreation, he doesn't want foreign DNA to have gotten there first. So the empowered modern woman doesn't have to compromise on her mating strategy, whilst the modern man does. Is it any wonder then that an increasing number of men are checking out of the dating scene?
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