
I hate my nom 

I start a topic
She cuts me out in 1/2 of a sentence
Doesn't let me finish any significant thought.

And finishes by asking: What else do you want to talk about?

This way, she can "go through" all topics I wanted to talk about in 2 minutes, she tells me nothing, I say noting, and she can live on not knowing I exist until our next call. :ayaya:

And I don't even know if she's doing it on purpose.

But she doesn't even talk. She just cuts me, finishes a single sentence, and literally asks for next topic.

Wow. Sounds like your server is anti-Luke. Filthy bigots.
In fact, I use earbuds to listen to a constant loop of myself talking
@honky @IgnorantHussy @LukeAlmighty Bestestest evar constant loop to sleep with headphones track.
I like it. It even has accusations of being a furry involved
Lol it’s literally an hour that’d be great background music at a party
I cut out the middleman and talk to myself loudly in public spaces.
Hear me out tho, the earbuds ensure I hear no one but myself
Well, my voice is very calming. Its not vanity!
Well can you blame me? Every time I open my mouth ladies swoon.
Same, but it's more to do with my halitosis...

We recieved your report, checks notes as it turns out spamming pictures of kernit the frog in your DMs isn’t actually against the TOS, sorry Huss.

I actually did this for a few days straight to like 3 ppl. Kermit the Frog suicide memes and telling them to commit sudoku. I was very mad.
Fun does not in fact anger ppl. I don't think I am taken seriously.
My right butt cheek feel asleep.
This isn't a flirt.
I'm blaming this on you, "Glenda". If that's even your real name.
Keep me updated on the status of your cheeks. I'll enable push notifications.
My entries are the ones with all the hearts, stars and swastikas drawn around them right? I saw it in the leaks.
Flattering, really.
Exactly Glenda. Fraggle rock... I'm for cereal about this leg thing. My sleeping pad is not as cozy as my bed.
Have you tried a twerking session to restore blood flow to your butt cheeks? Minimum 15 minutes
Thugshaking is an ancient aryan tradition

I hate my nom 

@LukeAlmighty I have always found speaking to women to be difficult and painful at times :blobcatpain:
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