@LukeAlmighty Is it (((them))) that came to our country and told us how great Democracy is?

Well, most of them are them, but do you hate them because they are them, or do you hate them because they are them?

@LukeAlmighty The only way to make any people pay attention nowadays is to have constant motion in the background. Like jingling keys in front of a child.

Well, I see it as a practical evolution of the leftie meme format.

Some things are hard to put into a smart comic, but this is better then a huge wall of text. (don't tell commies please, they will kill it.)

@LukeAlmighty since people can't agree on stuff and corruption exists, let's just give up and be ruled over by a single centralized monolithic entity, like a dictator or a king. i'm sure that'll turn out way better
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