pulling into digi currency is another thing that separates you from your past. I just spied a morgan dollar in my desk, and when I looked at that date on it I wondered how cool it is that something so old was sitting here, what it’s seen.

Little things like that are one of the downsides of being in a frontier country. Around here, the oldest settlements barely crack 200 years, we simply don’t have a lot of history to live amongst. And one of the few things we had to do so….got inflated and stolen away


While you're correct, the unlimited money printing has to be stopped somehow.

@LukeAlmighty I’m leaving all that aside, there’s just something missing when we failed to replace this system in daily life. Growing up we used to look at the change we got to keep anything interesting that came through, all that is totally gone for good

I am well aware of the colorful life we're losing one artistic moment at a time.

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