Interesting docu about a Japanese Prison:

My reactions:
1. This is a really GOOD prison, good in that it functions exactly as designed.
2. What nobody wants to discuss is that almost all prisoners do eventually get out and become someone's neighbor. I would MUCH rather have one of these guys for a neighbor than someone out of an American prison.
3. I tend to believe the guards are being fully honest and transparent here for the following reasons:
3.1. They made a major point of correcting some relatively minor points such as when inmates could brush their teeth, they really didn't have to do that - it doesn't help their optics in any significant way, but their insistence about this indicates that they were honestly offended about being misconstrued.
3.2. Furthermore, it appears they were surprised that their treatment is considered to be like in the army, I think this truly caught them off guard because this is only moderately more strict than what is expected of employees at Japanese workplaces. Someone with more knowledge of Japan can perhaps confirm or correct this.
3.3. Everybody (guards and inmates interviewed) claimed that there wasn't any violence or abuse, just strict rules.
4. They claimed that there were 4 "grades" that one can graduate through, I really like this concept and I think prisons should embrace it further - to the extent of allowing someone to graduate up to living in an apartment they furnish, working for an employer of their choice, and mostly managing their own life - just inside a "walled city" and with rules they must follow to avoid being down-graded.
5. While I've never been in any prison, my feeling is I would prefer to spend a year there than in a high security prison in America because it's safe and you undoubtedly come out a better & stronger person.
Curious what you guys think:

Have you been in a US or Canadian prison or jail?
And would you rather be in a Japanese prison than a North American one?

Boosts appreciated.
I don't have any reason to think I'm facing some kind of legal investigation, if that's what your asking...
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