
Can you immagine people actually think George Lucas cannot write dialog?

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@LukeAlmighty The original trilogy was lightning in a bottle. They managed to harness the good parts of George and minimize the bad parts.

OT was a decent fairy tale.

The EU, prequels and clone wars was the true masterpiece.

@LukeAlmighty 😆 My nostalgia goggles won't let me judge objectively, I can't say. I don't love the prequels but there was something magical about the 90's-early 00's era EU stuff made with love by hardcore fans.
Actually I haven't watched ep. 1 or 2 in like 15 years, maybe time to give them a watch.

Don't worry, I have the same problem with nostalgia.

But the issue was not the movies. 1 and 2 are REALLY BAD movies. (3 is perfect though)

Nah... The true magic came from the immersion. Lucas built an inter-connected universe, where each story build upon the last. I know it doesn't sound that hard, but have you seen Marvel lately? Or Star wars? :omegalul:

Nah... He perfected the multi-movie character and lore growth. And that is the true magic.

@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum
Absolutely. Kotor 2 changed context to literally all of Star Wars, and made it all 10 times better.

Between this and making Leia braless because of space gravity you can tell Lucas suffers from crippling autism.
@LukeAlmighty @zemichi Space is fake and gay
Its actually water above the firmament
@zemichi @LukeAlmighty >space gravity
just because carrie fisher was dumb enough to believe it doesnt mean you have to be
@PapaPole @LukeAlmighty
Lucas is a visionary that believes in a future where women don't wear underwear.

I share that same vision. :back_from_gab: :mhxa:
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