
Premise of the video: Free thinkers should not reach the same conclusion or use the same phrases.

Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another?

@LukeAlmighty The largest chunk of self-identified "free thinkers" are cookie cutter pseudo-libertarians who just repeat the diammetrical opposite of whatever the shitlibs are quacking.
Compulsive idealists whose worldview is mostly fundend upon bad things happening for so reason outside of bad people being bad for no motive at all.


Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another?

I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky

> The largest chunk of self-identified "free thinkers" are cookie cutter pseudo-libertarians who just repeat the diammetrical opposite of whatever the shitlibs are quacking.

Well, if liberals were correct even ocassionally, this could be put to a scientific test. Sadly, I am still waiting for that event to happen. :omegalul:

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky

Correct, you became a communist because of terrible flaws in your character.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
Lol shut up racetard, you're only good at cucking people to big buisness

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Nigger, ask me for my opinion about Woke Capitalists and billionaire Jews, my final solution for those people is probably more extreme than yours.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I have already been told, point is, just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.
You can replace them with genetically engineered pure arianoid ubermensh for what matters, won't change shit, because the identity of those at the top is fucking irrelevant.
No muh white bourgeois cuckoldry

@moffintosh @ChristiJunior
This is what I don't get about commies.

You could say: YES, let's do this, let's start with your bad group, and when things don't change, we 're going to expand.

But instead, commies always end up defending the bourgeois, because the nazis aren't targeting them "the right way".

So.... you're defending bourgeois, while claiming to hate them? Curious. 🤔

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior

You could say: YES, let's do this, let's start with your bad group, and when things don't change, we 're going to expand.

Because you never go foward with the others, nd never abolish wage labour, see Hitler and his "Circle of Friends"

But instead, commies always end up defending the bourgeois, because the nazis aren't targeting them "the right way".

That's just false. Nazis don't even target capitalism as such they just trim those at the top and call it jib done while the relationships of capitalism are left untouched.

So.... you're defending bourgeois, while claiming to hate them? Curious.

You're the one who told me that people just need to wait for the roght job and that your boss loves you, shut up tard.

@moffintosh @ChristiJunior
> You're the one who told me that people just need to wait for the roght job and that your boss loves you, shut up tard.

What the fuck have you been smoking lately?

Capitalism would only work in a homogeneous society, sans kikery.
@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.

Considering how the kikes are going out of their way to screw over straight White men in every way imaginable, even at the point of hurting their bottom line and undermining the rest of their political agenda, you're obviously full of shit. There's a difference between being motivated by greed, being motivated by greed and malice, and being motivated by malice AND a desperate desire to rape children (like Jews are).
commies believe very sincerely that they're working toward a future where they get to do jack shit and have unlimited access to everything they need and/or desire

the catch is that such a future, even if realized, won't make them happy and they'll keep killing each other -- but in the meantime they'll gleefully commit genocide in the name of pleasure
@DocScranton @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty 100 million deaths due to communism, yet those evil subhumans still insist we give it another go.

@moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @DocScranton Hesitant to reply, but it sounds like you’ve never heard of the Deutsche “Demokratische Republik” (only left out “People’s” AKA East Germany, or the Warsaw Pact.

Formal “annexation” was seldom the Soviet political style, see all the SSR examples like the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, and this gained them a great many seats in the UN, the effort to create it starting years before V-E day:

yeah muddying the definition of "killed" works too

@DocScranton @LukeAlmighty Considering that the black book of communism that you guys cite as a source was dismissed by it's authors and counted dead nazis invaders, soviet people killed by the axis and "missed births" as victims, it's only reusing the same methodology

@DocScranton @LukeAlmighty He can get unblocked when he stops quacking for help like a kiddo.

if it looks like you're being dogpiled it's because your views are so obviously flawed that everyone has burst into roaring laughter, at you; unlike you we do not cry to our discord buddies for help when we see an internet badman

@DocScranton @LukeAlmighty

unlike you we do not cry to our discord buddies for help when we see an internet badman

The guy was literally boosting the stuff on the thread to call for assistance.

@moffintosh @DocScranton @LukeAlmighty But if he doesn't, how do we overwhelm you and get you to kill yourself?

@moffintosh @RaHoWaJoe @LukeAlmighty @DocScranton Thanks, Moff, for that pretty tangy reaction image. I'll be using it sometime! :blobfoxdealwithitfingerguns:

it sounds to me as though you are deluding yourself, possibly you are suffering from an influx of stress hormones and need to take a break from the internet
@DocScranton @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty I didn't ask anyone to come dogpile this fag, just reposting his retardation was enough.

Also, I can still respost his shit and incite others to dogpile him even after being blocked, lol, in fact, DRC's blockbot partially exists to facilitate dogpiling of those kinds of users.
he seems to disagree, poor thing the whole world's against him
@DocScranton @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty These people can never accept that the reason this tactic works so well is that their posts are spectacularly retarded.
he burned all assumptions of good faith by coming out and being "i'm a commie and everything will be better once we exterminate the bourgeoisie" anyway, everyone knows that it never stops with one group and that these people will gleefully lie, murder, and rape their way to their flawed vision of utopia

@DocScranton @LukeAlmighty Sorry if I have the low bar of not fucking lying to my face

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@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty

Considering how the kikes are going out of their way to screw over straight White men in every way imaginable, even at the point of hurting their bottom line and undermining the rest of their political agenda, you're obviously full of shit. There's a difference between being motivated by greed, being motivated by greed and malice, and being motivated by malice AND a desperate desire to rape children (like Jews are).

Found your problem, mind full of shit

@ChristiJunior @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty People have irl enemies. Why can’t they comprehend having enemies as a group? We (White people) and jew are enemies. There is no “but are they greedy or not?” Or anything like that. Libtard brainrotted people don’t understand that a group of people can hate our group just like two people can hate each other irl. Yes, getting rid of them would make our lives immensely better, just like real life. Yes, they operate almost solely out of malice, just like real enemies do in real life.
@Griffith @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Straight up cradle-to-grave totalitarian anti-racist brainwashing. I remember reading this bullshit by Rod Dreher, and being amazed by just how blind people are to how total and overwhelming the anti-racist propaganda today really is.
@Griffith @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
Sorry dude but things like race and religion are just made up by the bourgeoisie to distract you from class war by reselling your own innate anti-racist desires back to you as "The elites are dividing us" slogans and mandatory inclusion training. Such is the perfidy of the capitalist class's 5D chess.
Relation to the means of production? That's something you feel deep inside bro.
@Griffith @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @moffintosh Instinctual prejudice comes from evolutionary relationships, Sheep have Instinctual prejudice against wolfs because they have hunted them for eons. Israelites consistently have negative evolutionary relationships with the majority of other races and Blacks had developed a negative evolutionary relationship with Europeans which vary depending on how slaves where treated it each nation.

Personal prejudice comes from personal relationships, initially a Shepard Dog would trigger as a Wolf to sheep. But after a certain point the Sheep might begin to a positive relationship with the dog. The problem is this becomes a liability if the sheep see a wolf and instead of running they just see a another dog. People will see personal exceptions and the forget there only exceptions because there trends that exist in the first place.

The thing is human prejudice seems to evolve faster memetic then genetically, i was mostly raised in an area that mostly filtered out the worse parts of black culture, especially sense a lot were Haitian Immigrants. It wasn't really till i when to Philadelphia that i really started to see the black "wolfs" in a sense. I was a mutt and i was mostly around Shepard Dogs.
Jews control 90+ percent of the media and almost all the banks lol. Try again faggot.
You've quite literally never debated someone like me before.
@Saber @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty The absolute worst thing about commies is how they're such fucking poseurs. They LOVE big business. They LOVE corporations, they LOVE the HR department, they LOVE Hollywood, they LOVE goyslop
"I'm a freer thinker than free thinkers. This is why I hold the same views as Goldman-Sachs, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and the US intelligence community."
@Saber @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @DEERBLOOD
>you don't understand, we NEED wars in ukraine and syria, because locksneed fartin held a gay pride parade and NATO put the faggot flag in their twitter avi for a month
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