Client buys services for his money.
Politicians buy services for your money.

This shouldn't be a hard concept even for a commie.

@LukeAlmighty Not to mention that under a free market reign, the politician is a commodity too!

There is no free market. Especially for people who print money.

You cannot buy someone with a money printer. That shouldn't be a hard concept.

Do you remember all the "my dad is bigger then yours" arguments on playground? Well, this is the same case. The politicians can go "my bank account is bigger then yours", and they WILL BE CORRECT.

> There is no free market. Especially for people who print money.
> You cannot buy someone with a money printer. That shouldn't be a hard concept.


> Do you remember all the "my dad is bigger then yours" arguments on playground? Well, this is the same case. The politicians can go "my bank account is bigger then yours", and they WILL BE CORRECT.

You seem to willingly confuse the public admin's budget with the personal account of elected politicians. Your " They can say my bank account is bigger then yours" falls apart just by checking who are the richest people on the planet: all of them are bourgeois entrepreneurs, who casually invest a lot in lobbying.
This establishes the rich bourgeois as the ones holding power, while the state is on the downstream side of this relationship.

> You seem to willingly confuse the public admin's budget with the personal account of elected politicians. Your " They can say my bank account is bigger then yours" falls apart just by checking who are the richest people on the planet: all of them are bourgeois entrepreneurs, who casually invest a lot in lobbying.


Politicians cannot give themselves the money directly. So, they GIVE MONEY to the people who give money to them back.



I didn't include the part of "My brother who just earned 200 in profit giving me 100 of your dollars back" because I thought it was obvious.

But at least we agree now on the exact mechanism this exploitation happens :D

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