Talk like this will evaporate people caring about the holocaust quicker than they suspect.
@warmbeverageenjoyer The whole moral underpinning of the holocaust is that they were the ultimate victims. If they are shown to do behaviors that are morally on the same plane as what they say happened, it brings into question if maybe they weren't innocent victims to begin with.
@sickburnbro i agree with you, but even now normies are siding with the kikes because "the other side is just so much more barbaric!"

i doubt the conditioning will so easily be broken
@warmbeverageenjoyer That's just the normal dislike of Arabs that is being used, don't put too much stock into that.
@sickburnbro again, i hope. but, personal anecdote: the normie i'm thinking of is very much sympathetic to arabs, but believes the violence invalidates all of their previously-legitimate concerns
@warmbeverageenjoyer that sounds like they aren't giving you the full truth of what they believe
@sickburnbro maybe, i've had loads of arguments with them about how islamic arabs are incompatible with western society, i wasn't successful in convincing them lol

@warmbeverageenjoyer @sickburnbro
Oh... And you think, that sand people are compatible with civilization?

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