@YuiHirasawa I think @LukeAlmighty and @coolboymew have it? Hell, I think lots of people on Fedi have the Steam Deck, but I haven't actively looked into that, because I personally have zero interest in it and zero interest in PC gaming in general, so I'm definitely not the person to ask for anything more in-depth :shrug:
@ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa @LukeAlmighty I have one, what do you want to know about it?

I made a big review about it on the podcast when I got it

@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I just got one, and I'm looking for recommended games that work well with the controls and have a UI that fits the small screen well. Could be anything really

@YuiHirasawa @ChristiJunior @coolboymew
Don't worry about the UI size. You will get to most games so much, that you won't need to read stuff.

But I spent my time on Stardew Valley and Monster hunter rise.

But as long as the game has a gamepad layout, it should be ok :D

Also, Steam deck is a great chance to try GTA IV, since the windows persormance of that game is horrible. It doesn't run on half the PCs even these days. But the linux bros seem to have solved that issue somehow.

@LukeAlmighty @YuiHirasawa @ChristiJunior As for the controls, if a game support a normal controller, it works already. For everything else, most of the time the dev posted a control scheme. If not, those other times, there's an autist with 1000 hours into the game that will have posted one

@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa
Sure, but after I tried Dyson spheare program, I see, that not all games were meant to be played that way :D

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa yeah, it's awkward for some games. Games that expect you to type a lot of stuff like Pony Island are kinda not fun to play because of the keyboard UI. OH WELL. Obviously, there's gonna be some of these games

But a lot of other games are surprisingly playable. I played Unreal Tournament, there were a bunch of already posted layouts, and then you edit it to your liking and... man, it's actually playable

And then a computer JRPG like Anachronox which is very much a PC game in the retarded control scheme and an autist with literally 1000 hours pushed one that actually worked

@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa
And also, you never know what you will figure out.
When I was playing GTA-V, I set the gyro-on to the same button as aiming. And that worked WONDERS for that game :D

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BTW, my favorite feature of Steam deck is.......... 

@YuiHirasawa @ChristiJunior @coolboymew
Cloud saves.
I am serious, that thing is amazing. I play on PC, but when I don't feel like sitting, I will just grab the deck, and continue from the same spot.... INCREDIBLE

re: BTW, my favorite feature of Steam deck is.......... 

@LukeAlmighty @YuiHirasawa @ChristiJunior Steam cloud saves are already great, but yeah, when you use them with multiple devices it's fantastic
@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa @LukeAlmighty even without multiple devices cloud saves are a life saver when uninstalling/reinstalling games going between OSes/installs. I wish there was clearer indication when game does NOT support them, i lost some saves because of that.
@hj @ChristiJunior @YuiHirasawa @LukeAlmighty I think it's just written on the store page or something but a quick function to find out which currently installed games doesn't support it would really go a long way

Also perhaps set up your own cloud save?

re: BTW, my favorite feature of Steam deck is.......... 

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @coolboymew I like the back buttons a lot.
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