@LukeAlmighty >sleeping until eleven
How long was this kid staying up at night? No really, this sounds worse than you realize. Was the kid physically ill or something?
That kid is gonna hate her forever and rightfully so.
@AngryWraith @LukeAlmighty >How long was this kid staying up at night? No really, this sounds worse than you realize.
Yeah if we're talking pre-teen or even below 10, this is actually real bad.

@BowsacNoodle @AngryWraith @LukeAlmighty Yeah, the kid is nine. How late was he staying up? And why the hell wasn’t the mother doing anything about him staying up late?

Yes, she’s bitching about him not waking up, but he’s a 9-year-old. It’s her job as a parent to fix this. Maybe start by moving the computer to the living room? Making sure that he goes to bed at a reasonable time? Make sure that he doesn’t have a cell phone that he can be on until 3:00 in the morning?

No, act like a giant fucking bitch and smash his digital Legos. That kid’s going to be 40 years old, and telling his kids, “Well, when I was your age, Grandma decided to destroy something that I spent over a year on just because I didn’t do exactly as she told me to.”

And that’s why I don’t leave you alone with her.


@Codeki @AngryWraith @BowsacNoodle
As a guy with serious sleeping problems, this hit me really hard.

But... I used to wake up an hour even earlier, just to have time for my brain to start up. I also learned to have multiple alarm clocks. In more desperate times, I left the alarm clock across the room, so I have to actually stand up.

THERE ARE SO MANY ADVICE THE KID NEEDS TO HEAR AND TRY. But sure, trauma is the correct choice.

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@Codeki @AngryWraith @BowsacNoodle
When I am drunk before work, I prepare myself coffee and breakfest in the evening, instead of in the morning, because I know, it will be needed.

Fuck, let him drink coffee if it's that bad. But your role as a parent is to help him form coping strategies FFS.

@LukeAlmighty @AngryWraith @BowsacNoodle Yup. Need to be to work by specific time? First alarm is an hour before, then in 15 minute increments getting louder and louder.

By now, I wake up the first alarm, get up, flip off the others and shuffle to the shower.

@LukeAlmighty @Codeki @AngryWraith My friend used to have an alarm clock on his phone that required math to stop. First alarm was simple arithmetic. His second alarm was solving a 3 digit long division, 3 digit multiplication, simple square root, and simple exponential equation, and if you missed one it made you redo all of them. I learned about this at 5 AM on a Friday while camping, as did everyone else in a 100 yard radius.

@BowsacNoodle @LukeAlmighty @AngryWraith Oh, Google actually used to have something like that. It was one of their experimental features for Gmail, where if you made too many spelling errors, it would have you do math to prove that you aren’t drunk.

A wonderful feature, to keep you from losing your job for calling your boss a faggot while plastered at 3am after being forced to work overtime all week so he can go nail his hair stylist.

I’ve seen ones that will roll away and hide in a different location every time you hit the snooze, or are tied to your bank account and will donate $5 to a cause that you hate when you hit snooze.

@Doll @LukeAlmighty @AngryWraith @Codeki @Elliptica >POV: It's 5:00 AM and the ADL will get $5 from me if I hit snooze.
This is the AM motivational equivalent of "if I don't pull this deadlift I'm gay". I should look into this.
I just put my alarm clock on the other side of my room

clock's like 8 years old but it does progressively louder beeping and still works hh

@BowsacNoodle @Doll @LukeAlmighty @AngryWraith @Elliptica I would actually recommend one of the bed shaker alarm clocks for deaf people.

It shakes the fuck out of you until you wake up.

@Codeki @BowsacNoodle @Doll @LukeAlmighty @Elliptica Just buy a cat or two. They'll wake you up at 4am to feed them.
"I fed you three weeks ago!"
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