"Democracy" means that every single extreme, treasonous and Satanic leftist policy that gets undemocratically imposed on a country is supposed to last until the end of time ("This has already been decided"), while the very meaning of country, family, people, man/woman etc is always open to being redefined for the benefit of a Protected Minority.

RE: https://detroitriotcity.com/objects/62a8ea0e-be03-4b46-aad7-4b6c92d17afc
@drunkenpriapus More like tyranny of the worst people in the world, aka, BioLeninism.

@drunkenpriapus @ChristiJunior
His point was proven for example with Roe V Vade.

That decision was not democratic, but after it was made by an activists judge, It was just accepted for several decades to just be a law.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior "Oh no, you got creampied and had a baby and now you have to take responsibility! You're so oppressed."

Get fucked whore, if you don't want to risk pregnancy, woman the fuck up and do anal
@LukeAlmighty @drunkenpriapus Undemocratic AND an objectively bullshit interpretation of the Constitution, literally just pretending that a "right" to abortion exists in the Constitution because that was what the leftists wanted all along.

And I say this as someone who's all for nonwhites aborting their babies, and who would list pro-lifers as one of my least favorite parts of the Rightwing coalition.
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