
> Caller: We owe billions to China

> Destiny: Why is that a bad thing?

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@LukeAlmighty It has to be even more for it to be a good thing, but I might understand where he is coming from.

If a political entity relies on you to pay debts to them that they need to be paid out, then the loyalty of that political entity is in some ways secured.

I heard once that Julius Caesar, the first Roman Emperor, only managed his big political successes because many patricians and senators relied on him being successful because otherwise it would be impossible for him to be able to pay his debts back to them, which they badly needed. He was "too big to fail" to many of them.
It is worth remembering that it was also a plot among senators that brought him down in the end though, so maybe it isn't that good an idea either.

Ok, that is one hell of an interpretation, but thanks for a hystory lesson.

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