@LukeAlmighty Although in all seriousness, I loved Code Geass. Definitely a top 10, maybe Top 5 for me.

Absolutely. For me, it is in the top 2 in an eternal battle with Death note.

Well... Attack on titan was supposed to steal the 1st place, and sit with a HUGE margin...

But then the last 20 min happened.

@LukeAlmighty @dave I haven't seen Attack on Titan but I heard the ending is so trash from people whose opinions I respect that I'm just going to skip it entirely. Franchises were a mistake (even though I'm a creator of one)

@NEETzsche @dave
The rest is worth it. Just be prepared to scream the entire last episode :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty @dave Pass. We should be making our own shit from scratch at this point, since modern media is so pozzed.
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